CU Publisher Self-Service Options: Communicate a Broad Range of Info with Mobile Alerts!


Ready to reach out to your mobile app users?  Turn to Mobile Alerts!  You can manage the ‘what’ of the content, the ‘when’ of the delivery time and ‘who’ will receive valuable content – everything from marketing promos to holiday hours, annual meeting dates and community events.  You can also announce branch hours and the opening of new locations.

Alert triggers help to target the audience you want to reach and can have scheduled dates.  Create an alert in advance or update it immediately.  Give your mobile app users the convenience of Mobile Alerts – click below to visit the online store and get started today!

We will also be hosting an information webinar on Mobile Alerts – click the button below to register!

 Thursday, August 5th

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Have questions?  Contact us at