CBX Updates: Custom Forms Projects

If you’ve been following along on our journey towards CBX, the new web browser presentation that will be replacing CU*BASE GOLD, you know that this was a huge, multi-year foundational project for the future of our CUSO. (Read all about it in the Kitchen.) We’re excited to be making such great progress! But we always knew this effort might eventually require us to shift some resources in order to push us over the finish line.

We are at that tipping point today. Looking at what we’ll need to finish testing and adjusting screens so we can start rolling CBX out yet this year, we must make some hard decisions to move resources away from other projects to focus on CBX work. In particular, work that involves the same technical and testing resources that are working on the 20,000+ screens we’re revamping for CBX.

One area that will be affected is custom forms projects. After careful consideration, we have made the decision to take a brief pause from all but the most critical forms projects. Other than pending new client conversions, most projects currently in the queue will be assigned a new estimated completion date, and any new incoming projects will be scheduled to begin after those.

The pause is effective immediately, and the plan is to pick the work back up starting in November. We are in direct contact with credit unions who have projects already in queue with information about new completion target dates.

We sincerely appreciate the collective support of everyone in the network to carry this project over the finish line. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Lender*VP team.