If your credit union has partnered with eDoc for their CheckLogic Biz offering and you have business members who use BizLink 247, your credit union can also offer business members a Single-Sign-On from BizLink 247 to the CheckLogic toolkit. With this solution, your business members can easily access the software to scan in checks for deposit, without having to make a stop at the credit union.
By seamlessly integrating this SSO within BizLink 247, you give business members an easy, convenient way to make their deposits directly from online banking! Click the button below to place your order today.
Please note: your credit union must already be using CheckLogic Biz with eDoc and you must be using BizLink 247 for your business members.
Order CheckLogic Biz SSO for Your Credit Union
Have questions? Reach out to us at bizlink@cuanswers.com or earningsedge@cuanswers.com.