CU*BASE Release 21.10
Online and Site Four Release Date is October 3
Self-Processor Release Date is October 10
21.10 New and Updated Tool Summary
21.10 Database Changes Summary
Attend a release review webinar!
Wednesday, September 22 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET
Tuesday, September 28 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET
Click here to register! (Select your preferred date and time from the drop-down tab on the registration page.)
Beta Reports
If you are interested in reviewing the beta credit unions’ commentary from their time with the software, visit the Feedback from Recent Beta Tests on the beta pool information page to learn more.
LegaSuite Upgrade
If you have not yet completed the LegaSuite Client upgrade on all your workstations, please do so prior to the 21.10 release. Currently, we are running on version 8.2.2 and will be moving to version 8.5.4. Why is this upgrade so important? When the 21.10 release is implemented, CU*BASE will not work on any/all workstations that have not been upgraded to the new version of LegaSuite.
You can use Tool #393: GOLD Release/Hardware Inquiry to check which version of LegaSuite your workstations are currently running. Additionally, you can click here for instructions on how to update your PC for the 21.10 release.
Note that this process does require administrator privileges to be run on the PC. That means your IT team needs to make arrangements for an administrator to run the update on every individual workstation, unless you have set up some network tools to assist with the process. If you are a Managed Services Client, we will take care of this process for you.
GOLD Version Check
Following the release, if someone logs into a workstation that is not at the proper version of GOLD or the JWalk Client, the user will be instructed to sign off, and the workstation must be brought up to date before it can be log into CU*BASE.
Online Banking Service Interruption
As with all CU*BASE GOLD releases, there will be a brief service interruption to It’s Me 247 Online Banking and CU*Talk phone banking on the day of the release. A splash page will be presented in online banking informing members of an estimated time when service will again be available.