Leadership 2023 Recap: CU*BASE/Ascensus Integration

If you missed the 2023 CU*Answers Leadership Conference or want a convenient way to review materials discussed at this year’s event, we’ve got you covered!  Today’s hot topic comes from Earnings Edge!

Earning Edge is debuting a new API integration between CU*BASE teller tools to the Ascensus IRAdirect express™ web-based solution for credit unions who use Ascensus services for IRA reporting, tracking, and compliance tasks.

Previously, when an employee opened a new account or posted certain member transactions in CU*BASE, they would also need to enter these manually into the Ascensus IRAdirect site in order to complete relevant paperwork and forms.  This integration is designed to pass data entered in CU*BASE over to the Ascensus wizard, eliminating manual rekeying.

Want to order CU*BASE/Ascensus Integration for your credit union?  Click the button below to visit our online store!

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Stay tuned for more highlights from the 2023 Leadership Conference!