Join us October 11th and 12th for a two-day boot camp! This is an opportunity for your credit union IT members build their knowledge of core product deployment and support. Please note: seating for this event is limited – if you are interested in attending, we encourage you to sign up soon!
One of our goals during the Network Services Boot Camp is to help provide a tighter integration between credit union IT staff and the CNS team. Take a look at some FAQs below to learn more!
Why Should I Attend Boot Camp?
You should attend boot camp to learn in-depth CU*BASE and ProDoc troubleshooting, as well as learn more about architecture, security, administration and reporting tools.
Who Should Attend Boot Camp?
Any IT staff at the credit union interested in learning more about technical troubleshooting in a typical CU*Answers credit union environment.
Why is Boot Camp Essential?
We want to empower your IT team with the capabilities to provide your staff support for many of the commonly occurring end-user issues.
Why is Boot Camp so Great?
At Boot Camp you’ll get equipped with the latest knowledge, tips, and tricks about installing and supporting core software. You’ll learn the easy way how to troubleshoot and fix problems. You’ll learn about the latest security defenses which you can apply both at the credit union and at home. You’ll get a chance to network with peers; and it’s a lot of fun!
Does Boot Camp Cost Anything?
The boot camp is free to attend; travel expenses would be incurred by the credit union.
Is Boot Camp Offered at My Credit Union?
Boot camp is hosted bi-annually at CU*Answers headquarters in Grand Rapids, MI.